Title: NWHOK Onemalu Transition Cntr Xmas PartyLocation: KalaeloaDescription: NWHOK assist with the activities at Onemalu homeless shelter. Start Time: 930 am to 3 pmDate: 2011-12-10Read more
Title: NWHOK Business MtgLocation: Kanaina Bldg, Iolani Palace groundsStart Time: 6:30 p.m.Date: 2011011-03Read more
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As times flies by, with each of us tending to our families, our jobs and our dedication to our Hawaiian culture and customs, let’s all make sure we remember thoseRead more
Was a good showing to say aloha and support to our new gov. It was great to have Ali`i nui present along with all Oahu chapters and one of theRead more
It’s that time again, when we begin the hustle and bustle of preparing for Kuapapa 2011! The place has been selected, Queen Kapi`olani Hotel in Waikiki and the Dates areRead more