New Members Pauline Leinaala Robello Lu Ann Faborito In Memoriam Beatrice Leinani Awana (05/10/1922-09/16/2012) – became member in 7/94 Hauoli La Hanau Arline Eaton – November 11 Beverly Lee –Read more
Please keep in your daily prayers: Donna Lei Smythe Ahahui Kaahumanu Pelekikena and faithful advocate and loving friend of all the SocietiesRead more
Title: Road ScholarsLocation: Waikiki Resort HotelDescription: Come share with the tourist of Road Scholars and earn $ for Kuapapa 2012Start Time: 7-830 p.m.Date: 2011-01-10Read more
Title: Road ScholarsLocation: Waikiki Resort HotelDescription: come share again… our fundraiser for Kuapapa 2012!Start Time: 7-830 p.m.Date: 2011-01-17Read more
Title: Road ScholarsLocation: Waikiki REsort HotelDescription: come share with the tourist of Road Scholars. Sing and talk story, share our culture and activities.Start Time: 7-830 p.m.Date: 2012-01-10Read more
Title: Na MeaLocation: Bishop MuseumDescription: gather with your sisters for sharing and carting..speakers and crafts… call Aloha Sanborn if you got something to share…Start Time: 6-9Date: 2012-01-19Read more
Title: NWHOK Business MtgLocation: Kanaina Bldg, Iolani PalaceDescription: First Business mtg of the year…pay your dues be on time and plan to contribute!!!!Start Time: 630 p.m.Date: 2012-01-05Read more
Title: HUI PU/Chapter 1 Holiday PartyLocation: Bishop MuseumDescription: Tanioka’s Prime Rib Buffet, $20.00 each, 50 max, pot luck dessert table…bring your intruments for kanikapilaStart Time: 6-9 pmDate: 2011-12-29Read more
Title: alii Sunday, Princess Bernich PauahiLocation: Kawaiahao ChurchStart Time: 830Date: 2011-12-18Read more
Title: Kapuaiwa Cht 8 XmasLocation: Kapolei Chinese Rest.Description: $18.00 a head, RSVP by 12/6…payable to ROOK! Chapter 8Date: 2011-12-10Read more